Learn three main components to make $10,000 a month as a student.
1) Find the right path that is long enough but not too risky.
2) Avoid trading as a student as it is not a reliable way to make money.
3) Don’t fall into the trap of net worth. You see people on the internet and say “Look at him! He has a $100M net worth.” But what you may not realize is that they have most of their money in their company, they have a lot of money in their portfolio, but they don’t have cashflow.
Here, comes the best way to make $10,000 a month as a student.
Starting an online business is more profitable than trading. With an online business, you get location freedom, time freedom, and that all remotely. What you all have to do, is to learn a skill, and by using that skill you will be providing services to other businesses. Service-based businesses have higher profit margins than product-based businesses.
Remember: Either become the top 1% in a field or become the top 25% in more than 1 field.
Making $10,000 is not difficult but keep making $10,000 and growing it is difficult. So, as you are making money keep investing it and the most important thing is START DELEGATING. You can’t do everything alone; you need a team. Delegate tasks and what you have to do is to bring more clients.